star_names = ["Sirius", "Canopus", "Rigil Kentaurus", "Arcturus", "Vega", "Capella", "Rigel", "Procyon", "Achernar", \
"Betelgeuse", "Acrux", "Altair", "Aldebaran", "Spica", "Antares", "Pollux", "Fomalhaut", "Deneb", "Regulus", "Adhara"]
star_temperatures = [9940, 7400, 5800, 4300, 9600, 4900, 12100, 6550, 14600, 3500, 28000, 7700, 3900, 22200, 3400, 4940, 8550, 8525, 12300, 20800]
star_radii = [1.711e9, 7.8e8, 1.227e9, 2.785e9, 2.364e9, 1.192e9, 7.6e8, 7.43e8, 1.586e9, 9.52e10, 6.01e9, 1.656e9, \
4.28e9, 7.739e8, 8.12e9, 1.927e9, 1.834e9, 8.48e9, 3.919e9, 4.66e9]
Now that we’ve finished with star 10, let’s try to make it our code more generally applicable.